Monday, 23 September 2013

                         It’s a man’s world where women have no place??????

Saw the video that has gone viral on all social networking sites: Women, it’s your fault.
Loved it!!!!

Loved the satirical take at all these public figures, upholders of law, policy makers etc who have been spewing all kinds of rubbish to get their few seconds of fame. I sometimes wonder don’t these people hear themselves!! Don’t they realize what they are saying!! Or are sound bites more important than common sense and decency!! (Decency! HAH! That’s an outdated concept)

On the day of the judgment of the Nirbhaya case the lawyer was proclaiming that he would not appeal if no more rapes take place anywhere……ever… all!! What nonsense is this!! Here is an officer of the court declaring that rapes take place and will continue to do so… with it!! Accept it! For every young girl, woman, mother, and grandmother (yes even they are not safe it seems) out there who shudders at the word ‘rape’ such words are unacceptable.

Don’t wear provocative clothes! Don’t go out at night! Don’t work late! Don’t frequent clubs and discs! Don’t talk back! Don’t look them in the eye! Try to make yourself invisible! Don’t breathe! Don’t exist!

The talibanism of social norms is only for the women whereas the problem lies elsewhere. I am reminded of my college lecturer’s words. She was a young lady who had recently joined the faculty. When her mother stopped her from going out with her friends at night she was very angry. She told her mother, “If you want the girls to be safe don’t stop your daughter, stop your sons. With all sons locked up at night it will be a safer world.” We all laughed then but now it seems so apt. If the boys learn proper values then maybe they might grow up to be sensible men. If they see their mothers and sisters being given due respect at home then maybe they will learn not to objectify women. If they have strong mothers then maybe they will stop considering women ‘the weaker sex’. I know it’s a big ‘if’ and a bigger ‘maybe’….but maybe……………just maybe…………………………………………………………………………………….

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